CFDA註冊証編號:國械注准20163010560,京械廣審(文)第210322-03305號 北京北琪新款疼痛射頻控溫熱凝器支持雙極射頻、雙路射頻,高溫脈衝射頻,高電壓脈衝射頻等多種模式。(詳細) |
R-2000B, RF/Radiofrequency Lesion Generator, Thermocoagulation, Pain therapy, facet denervation, made in China, by BNS The R-2000B Radiofrequency Lesion Generator, which is a medical device for minimal invasive therapy, has the clinical applications in three fields: 1) the lumbar and leg pain that is caused by prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc by using the principle of target thermocoagulation; 2) various neuralgias such as trigeminal neuralgia, shingles neuralgia and cancer pain by using the principle of nerve block; 3) neurosurgery functional diseases, such as Parkinson's Disease and Torsion Dystonia, by the combination of the stereotaxic technology and thalamotomy and/or pallidotomy. Service & technical assistance provided as needed. Best price guaranteed . Please call for latest Price & questions. CFDA註冊証編號:國械注准20163010560 京械廣審(文)第210322-03305號
Ø自動識別射頻電極的數量和狀態,智能匹配電極應用模式; Ø雙路單極模式可對同一患者同時進行兩個獨立靶點的治療; Ø雙極應用模式較單極可獲得更大的治療範圍; 支持雙路雙獨立靶點治療。 ★全中文觸摸屏操作界面 Ø全中文觸摸屏操作界面,直觀簡潔、切換自如; Ø圖示式和數字式兩種工作顯示界面,朮中治療參數盡在掌握; Ø多組預存常用參數,方便醫生選用; ★多種控制模式的脈衝射頻 Ø溫度控制脈衝射頻,可達95℃; Ø電壓控制脈衝射頻; Ø脈寬控制脈衝射頻。 ★連續射頻 Ø控溫精確; Ø溫度設定範圍廣; Ø具有標準和階躍兩種模式。 ★病人信息管理 Ø治療數據自動記錄保存,可導出進行分析打印; Ø可對治療患者的信息進行有效管理和統計,便於醫生跟蹤隨訪,總結經驗,提高療效。